The repeater is
located atop the Weirton Medical Center, in
Weirton, WV (near the PA state line). The transmit antenna is a Com-Spec (Decibel
products) DB224-E, 4 bay folded dipole unit. The
receive antenna is a Celwave (Phelps-Dodge) Station Master unit mounted
below and horizontally away from the transmit antenna. This split
antenna system connects to a Wacom WP-639 BpBr 4 cavity duplexer. The
dual antenna setup is utilized to minimize receiver de-sensing experienced
when using a single antenna plus duplexer for repeater transmit/receive.
maintains the W8CWO repeater for use by all radio amateurs within the range
of the machine.
146.340 MHz input, 146.940 MHz output (-600 KHz offset). Set your VHF
FM transceiver to a frequency of 146.940 MHz with a minus (-) offset (of 600
KHz, which is standard for the 2 Meter band) so that when your radio is in
transmit mode, it will transmit on 146.340 MHz, the repeater's input
frequency, and when it is in receive, you will hear the repeater on 146.940
Tone Access:
114.8 Hz full CTCSS access (encode & decode - the repeater requires the PL
tone for access and transmits the same frequency tone to your receiver -
this considered to be FULL CTCSS access).
"System Fusion": The repeater is a Yaesu DR-1X "System Fusion"
analog/digital repeater, utilizing normal narrow band (5 KHz deviation) FM
modulation for the analog mode, and Yaesu's C4FM digital mode for the
digital mode. The repeater utilizes "Automatic Mode Select" (AMS) to
switch between analog and digital modes. FM stations will always
switch the repeater to the analog FM mode, whereas those stations
transmitting in the C4FM digital mode will cause the repeater to switch to
the digital mode. Whenever digital stations are in the C4FM digital
mode, any FM signal that brings up the repeater will cause it and all the
current digital mode users to switch to analog FM mode (provided the users
have AMS enabled on their transceivers - a Yaesu-only feature).
Analog Mode:
The .94 machine functions as a traditional analog voice repeater (in
addition to its digital capabilities - see below). The repeater has NO
courtesy beep/tone at the end of any user transmission. The voice ID
will talk over any current in progress conversation.
Mode: As mentioned above, the repeater utilizes a Yaesu "System Fusion"
DR-1X analog/digital repeater. When in digital mode, as selected by
the user's transceiver transmitting into the repeater, the repeater will be
in C4FM digital mode. At this time, only Yaesu transceivers equipped
with the Yaesu "System Fusion" C4FM digital capabilities will be able to
utilize the repeater's digital mode. If you utilize the 114.8 Hz PL decode on your receiver when in analog mode
(PL squelch),
you will not hear any of the digital transmissions (which are essentially a
lot of noise to analog receivers). This is why we encourage you to
utilize full CTCSS encode and decode when programming your transceivers for
this repeater.
The current Yaesu transceiver models that support the Yaesu
"System Fusion" C4FM digital mode are the FT1DR/XDR, FT2DR, FTM-100DR,
FTM-300DR, FTM-400DR/XDR, FTM-3200DR, FTM-7250, and FT-991/FT-991A models
(and any other "System Fusion" transceivers that operate in C4FM mode). All of these radios will utilize the digital
capabilities of the W8CWO repeater.
Weirton Medical Center (hospital), Colliers Way, Hancock County, Weirton,
WV - Eastern edge of Hancock County, just off U.S. Route 22.
Antenna Height:
Approximately 1310' AMSL.
Output: 20
watts out of the duplexer into the feedline, approximately 100 watts ERP at
the antenna.
Yaesu DR-1X "System Fusion" analog/digital repeater, FM (analog)/C4FM+FDMA
Controller: Built-in to the Yaesu DR-1X repeater
Wacom WP-639 BpBr 4 cavity unit
1/2" 50 ohm hardline
Antennas: Transmit - Com-Spec (Decibel products) DB224-E, 4 bay folded
dipole antenna at 8.1 db gain; Receive - Celwave (Phelps-Dodge) Station Master fiberglass collinear antenna
at 7.4 db gain
WD8IIJ Repeater
(VHF - 2 Meters)
SWARC is currently partnered
with the 147.66/06 WD8IIJ repeater and financially assists with the support
of that machine. Monte Pettengill, WD8IIJ, is the owner and operator
of that repeater, which is now located on the WTOV Channel 9 broadcast tower
south of Steubenville, Ohio. See the information (PDF file) regarding
the antenna at that location on this site's home page. This is the
current primary repeater for club use and all SWARC repeater-based nets and activities.
147.660 MHz input, 147.060 MHz output (+600 KHz offset). Set your VHF
FM transceiver to a frequency of 147.060 MHz with a plus (+) offset (of 600
KHz, which is standard for the 2 Meter band) so that when your radio is in
transmit mode, it will transmit on 147.660 MHz, the repeater's input
frequency, and when it is in receive, you will hear the repeater on 147.060
Tone Access:
114.8 Hz (Your radio transmits a 114.8 Hz PL tone - the repeater DOES NOT
re/transmit a tone to your receiver - NOT full CTCSS access).
WTOV Channel 9 broadcast tower, located south of the Steubenville, Ohio,
downtown city district, along the Ohio River, and at the north end of the
village of Mingo Junction, Ohio.
Antenna Height: 1597 feet AMSL - the repeater antenna is located at the 500'
level above ground on the television transmission tower.
Output: 35
watts out of the duplexer into the feedline, approximately 90 watts ERP at
the antenna.
General Electric Mastr Executive II mobile in repeater configuration
Controller: Computer Automation Technology CAT-1000B
Andrew 7/8" Heliax hardline, 600 feet
Com-Spec (Decibel products) DB224-E, 4 bay folded dipole at 8.1 db gain
EchoLink is
provided via a link transceiver, N8GD-R, located at the QTH of Greg Day,
N8GD, in Wintersville, OH
EchoLink Call Sign: N8GD-R
Node Number: 730484
EchoLink/EchoProducer documentation for this repeater:
N8GD-R EchoLink.pdf and
EchoProducer & Bulletin
Connect to EchoLink via the Internet or via the repeater's normal 147.66/06
operating frequency
cm) Repeater
SWARC is also partnered
with the 443.775 (+ 5 MHz offset) WD8IIJ UHF repeater, also owned and
operated by Monte Pettengill, WD8IIJ, which is located on the property of
the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, in the center of Wintersville, Ohio.
448.775 MHz input, 443.775 MHz output (+5 MHz offset). Set your UHF FM
transceiver to a frequency of 443.775 MHz with a plus (+) offset (of 5 MHz,
which is standard for the 70 cm/440 MHz band) so that when your radio is in
transmit mode, it will transmit on 448.775 MHz, the repeater's input
frequency, and when it is in receive, you will hear the repeater on 443.775
Tone Access:
None used or required!
Blessed Sacrament Church, Main Street, Wintersville, Ohio (next door to the
Wintersville Kroger store).
Antenna Height: 1250 feet AMSL - Antenna is located atop the
maintenance building at the rear of the church property.
Output: 30
watts out of the duplexer into the feedline, approximately 120 watts ERP at
the antenna.
General Electric Mastr Executive II mobile transceiver in repeater configuration.
Controller: Computer Automation Technology CAT-300B.
LMR-600 low loss coax, 100 foot long run.
Vertical collinear UHF antenna at 8 db gain.
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updated 5/8/2022