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Times, information, & guidelines for SWARC's weekly nets on the W8CWO repeater

The Steubenville-Weirton Amateur Radio Club currently operates several weekly nets and encourages participation in an informal bi-weekly net.

(All times listed are in the local time currently in effect - EST/EDT - unless otherwise noted)

NOTE: Since the 146.66/06 MHz W8DIIJ repeater provides the best coverage, all repeater-based SWARC club and net activities will be handled on that machine!

Sunday Night Net

Who:  Net control varies; a group of scheduled net control operators handles the net control duties on a rotating schedule.

What:  "SWARC Sunday Night" Weekly informational net.

When:  Every Sunday evening at 8:00 PM.  (Duration is typically 30-45 minutes.)

Where:  Frequency to start is the 147.66/06 MHz WD8IIJ repeater (PL 114.8 Hz), then moves to the 146.34/94 repeater, and ends on the 443.775(+) Wintersville UHF repeater.


The purpose of this net is to serve as an informational net for amateur operators within the range of the repeater.  A list of check-ins will be recorded, and you will also have the opportunity to make general comments, give a report, or make any announcements you deem appropriate.  Check ins with "No Comment" are also welcomed.  Those stations not able to check in over the air, via RF, are encouraged to check in via the N8GD-R EchoLink node.

Saturday Simplex Net

Who:  Net control can vary, but Bill, KB3OXH, (at Herron Airport) in New Cumberland, West Virginia, and Dave, KD8OXN, in Wintersville, Ohio, are the current net control stations on a rotating basis.  Fred, WV8WVF, who was the net's creator and oversees operation of the net, is actively seeking new people willing to become net control stations.  (Fred may also act as net control whenever the need arises.)  Contact Fred at wv8wvf@gmail.com if you have any interest in doing so.

What:  "SWARC Simplex Net", operating on the 146.535 simplex frequency with relays being accepted and commonly implemented.  No PL tones are used since this is SIMPLEX (no repeater usage!).  Duration of the net is typically 30-60 minutes.

When:  Every Saturday evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time.  This is a NEW start time being implemented year-round with NO changes for EST/EDT as in the past.  The new start time of 9:00 PM will begin starting March 11, 2023.

Where:  Frequency is 146.535 MHz Simplex, with the starting mode being analog FM.  The latter portion of the net will be conducted in C4FM (Yaesu System Fusion SIMPLEX) mode.  There is NO repeater usage during this net!


The purpose of this net is to serve as an informal net for amateur operators to evaluate their simplex FM range within the Tri-State area using their home stations and antennas (although mobile stations are also welcomed to participate, if they are able to do so).  A list of check-ins will be recorded.  Stations with good range, meaning higher power transmitters along with well situated and/or higher elevation antennas, may be called upon may be called upon to act as relay stations to assist distant or weaker stations with checking into the net.  Those stations with Yaesu System Fusion (C4FM) capabilities will have an opportunity to check into the net in that mode towards the second half of the net.

Simplex Net Purpose and Rationale:  The local Amateur Radio operator who created the "SWARC Simplex Net" best sums up the purpose behind the net and its importance beyond being just another interesting part of the hobby.  The following write-up from the net's creator, Fred Hayman - WV8WVF, is presented here to provide background information on its purpose and importance:

Simplex Net Purpose.pdf

And here's the official write-up with the net's details:

SWARC Simplex Net Announcement.pdf

Thursday TERA Training Net

Who:  Net control varies; Rick, WD8SAB, is typically net control for most TERA Training Nets on Thursdays, but Greg, N8GD, serves as net control on the 4th Thursday of each month when he discusses a topic related to an ARES or EMCOM technical issue.

What:  Not officially a SWARC net, the "TERA Training Net" meets initially on the 147.66/06 WD8IIJ repeater (PL 114.8 Hz) but thereafter moves to the 147.480 Jefferson County ARES simplex frequency after taking check ins on .06.  This is NOT a SWARC net, but rather is sponsored by TERA (Tri-County Emergency Radio Association) with Monte, WD8IIJ, graciously allowing TERA to use his repeater for calling up the net.

When:  Every Thursday evening at 8:00 PM.  (Duration is typically one hour or slightly longer.)  There is NO net on the second Thursday of each month when TERA holds its monthly in-person meeting (at the Wintersville United Methodist Church).

Where:  Frequency to start is the 147.66/06 MHz WD8IIJ repeater (PL 114.8 Hz), then moves to the 147.480 Jefferson County ARES simplex frequency after taking check ins on .06.


The purpose of this net is for training of local Amateur Radio Operators in matters relating to Emergency Communications that may be needed to support local agencies in their activities.  Typically the net deals with and transmits and receives digital data communications using the "fldigi" suite of programs, and at times also discusses and practices data communications utilizing WinLink and packet radio.


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Website updated 3/5/2023