PACKET RADIO In the Tri-State area Accessible on 145.070 MHZ: N8GD operates a BBS (Bulletin Board System) for the TERA (Tri-county Radio Association) Group on 145.070 MHz @ 1200 baud. Connect using either "WINTOH" (the alias) or the call of N8GD-3. Most users will not be able to make reliable direct connections to the BBS, therefore you should connect to the JEFFOH node (N8GD-11) first, after which you can type "BBS" or "WINTOH" which will connect you directly to the BBS via an automatic Internet (IP) link (backed up by a fail-over RF link). TERA info as well as ARRL bulletins, weather reports and statistical summaries, and other messages of interest are available on the BBS. Local Amateurs are encouraged to post both public and private messages on the BBS. It runs 24/7 and has good coverage via the JEFFOH:N8GD-11 node which is located at the Wintersville United Methodist Church in the center of Wintersville, Ohio. Access to the N8GD-10 WinLink RMS Gateway is also possible via the JEFFOH:N8GD-11 node, or you may connect to N8GD-10 direct if your signal is good enough. Check out the packet paths in eastern Ohio using the following link: Further packet radio information for Ohio may be found on www.ohiopacket.org a packet radio oriented website maintained by Matt Mitchell, KB8UVN or Johnstown, Ohio. This site contains a wealth of information about the current activity on packet radio in the state of Ohio, and especially the eastern half of the state. The N8GD packet system is also accessible on 145.01 MHz which is the long-haul/backbone frequency that provides connectivity to Eastern Ohio via the HARCO:KB8YDK-1 node located in Deersville, Ohio, near Tappan Lake in Harrison County (thus the "HAR"Co alias). Connectivity on 145.01 will be rather limited since that frequency is accessed via a 22 element yagi beam at around 60', aimed at 260 degrees (a little west of WSW). So, unless you are located in western Jefferson County or in Harrison County, or you are situated within 5 miles or so of N8GD's QTH, connectivity on 145.01 MHz will be extremely limited for most users. Of course, you can work OUT of the 145.01 MHz port by connecting to the JEFFOH:N8GD-11 node, then connecting to the WINTVL:N8GD-7 node and finally you may connect to the HARCO:KB8YDK-1 node on Port 2 (145.01 MHz) of the WINTVL:N8GD-7 node. Once you are connected to HARCO, you are essentially on a gateway to the entire eastern half of the state of Ohio! If you're not on packet but wish to post a message to N8GD via WinLink, send a message to Greg using the following address via Internet email: The message will reach him via WinLink. Home | Information | Repeaters | Meetings | Nets | Contact | Images | Packet | Groups | Legal Website updated 5/8/2022